Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Safeguarding in Education


Welcome to the Safeguarding in Education Professionals pages. Here you will find key information, resources and links to support you in work to safeguard children in places of education.

The objective is to provide a one-stop-shop for education professionals for resources, training and other relevant information.  If there is anything you would like to find here that is not presently featured, please do let us know by sending an email to natasha.orumbie@lewisham.gov.uk.

Additional Resources

Dear Colleagues, please find below links to a range of miscellaneous resources that have either previously already been shared or could potentially be useful.


CSE/MET –    Child Sexual Exploitation Risk Assesment Toolkit

                       Consent PPT – Year10 upwards

                        Supporting Young People affected by CSE Assembly PPT

                        CSE Awareness Parent Leaflet


FGM – nothing at the moment

Prevent –       Prevent Risk Assessment Template

                        Second Wave Shadow Games Project

Domestic Violence – DV RIC Tool with Guidance

E-safety – E-Safety Awareness Information for Parents/Carers

Neglect - nothing yet

No Recourse to Public Funds -          No Recourse Briefing Notes to Schools

                                                            NRPF Assessment Form

MASH/Early Help/Continuum of Need – http://www.safeguardinglewisham.org.uk/lscb/lscb/professionals/worried-about-a-child-suffering-from-harm

Health & Safety

Riddor – nothing yet

Logging Accidents Online – Accident and Incident Reporting Flow Chart

Wide Horizons: website; training; guidance – nothing yet

Risk Assessments – nothing yet

Audit Tools

The Local Authority will be carrying out the s11 audit using the s157/175 self-assessment tool.  All headteachers will have a log in and password to complete this online.  All schools must complete the ‘standard’ version and the ‘enhanced’ is an optional addition.

Click here to log in and complete the self-assessment.  Deadline is 31 October 2018.

Paper version of the 2017-18 Standard self-assessment tool

Paper version of the 2017-18 Enhanced self-assessment tool

Lewisham Safeguarding Audit Tool - Potential Evidence

The audit tools below have either been created specifically for Lewisham Local Authority, or are readily available examples from other independent agencies.  Where relevant, the appropriate training must be undertaken before using the tool, to ensure that it is implemented effectively.  For further advice, please contact the author of the respective tools.

Safeguarding Evidence Checklist

Lewisham Section 11 (2015-16)

Domestic Abuse (DV RIC) Tool with guidance

Governor Single Central Record Monitoring Checklist – Lewisham

Governor Single Central Record Monitoring Checklist – Marvels

CSE Risk Assessment Toolkit

CP files Audit Toolkit

Single Central Record Template 2018



Historical References

The DfE have not given definitive guidance regarding how far to go back to retrospectively acquire the second reference for staff who may not have one. 

At an INSET I recently attended run by Andrew Hall, Safeguarding Expert, he suggested that many schools he is aware of have chosen not to seek a 2nd reference for staff who were employed over 5 years ago.  However, dependent on what Ofsted Inspector you get, their views on this can vary greatly! 

He advised that schools should follow their LA guidance, which you will find below.

In light of what we know about recent historical sex offences and following the information we have been given from HMIs in the School Improvement Team, who have had experience of OFSTED Inspectors being adamant that there are 2 references in place, as a local authority we would like all schools to acquire a 2nd reference for all their employees, including existing staff. 

The guidance below explains how to go about acquiring these.

DBS Risk Assessment Template

Historical References Guidance

Newsletters Links and Governors

Archive Newsletters

Autumn 2016 Items - List

Spring 2017 Items - List

Newsletters Autumn 2016-17

Archive Newsletters Spring 2016-17

Governors Resources

Governor Single Central Record Monitoring Checklist - Marvels Lane

Governor Single Central Record Monitoring Checklist - Lewisham

Exemplar Safeguarding Ofsted Questions for Governors 2018-19

Governance Handbook January 2017

Overseas Checks

Overseas Staff and Teachers

All applicants who have who have lived outside of the United Kingdom in a country outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerlandmust undergo the same checks as for all other staff in schools, including an Enhanced DBS check and DBS Children’s Barred List check.  

This guidance document has been provided to support schools with fulfilling their statutory duty under the new guidance issued on 6 April 2017, which states that: 

“All Tier 2 (General) visa applicants who want to work in specified health, education or social care sectors must provide a criminal record certificate and so for all new appointments, schools must consider additional checks, including obtaining a Certificate of Good Conduct, where staff have ever lived or worked abroad”.


The requirement is applicable to all *Tier 2 (General) staff from any country (excluding the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland),where an individual has lived or worked for more than 12 months+ either in total or continuously as well as within the previous 10 years.

*The Tier 2 (General) category is for migrant workers with an offer of a skilled job from a licensed employer which cannot be filled by a resident worker.

 Schools will need to be able to demonstrate their processes for concluding that “there is a sound reason not to” undertake these checks.  Senior Leadership, in consultation with their governing body can make a decision to use our guidance or an alternative means to ensure this statutory process is followed for all employees who have been employed since April 2017.

Overseas Checks for existing staff

In addition to new employees, the local authority believe it would be beneficial to implement these checks to all existing staff who have lived/worked for 12 months or more (whether continuously or in total) in any country outside of the United Kingdom while aged 18 years or over.

The current DfE guidance regarding additional overseas checks does not require existing staff to confirm their overseas history or provide schools with a criminal record certificate. 

The current guidance is as follows:

Individuals who have lived or worked outside the UK must undergo the same pre-employment checks as all other staff in schools. In addition, schools must make any further checks they think appropriate so that any relevant events that occurred outside the UK can be considered (Keeping Children Safe in Education, DfE, September 2018, s.136).

As this is not currently a statutory requirement, the local authority cannot insist that schools proceed as we are advising, but would recommend that this is done as a good practice measure.

The Lewisham guidance produced in May 2018 provides Head teachers and staff with information about processes that would need to be implemented if schools were to adopt this recommendation, and steps to take should they choose not to.  It will also provide guidance about how to identify which staff may fall into this category and then how to apply for these checks if the need arises.  Templates for risk assessments have also been included, which will, if the school adopts this guidance, need to be in place where staff are awaiting the outcome of an overseas check.  A separate link to editable versions of the appendices is below.

Lewisham Guidance May 2018

Editable Appendices for Lewisham Guidance

DfE Guidance

FAQ Home Office Guidance

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Natasha Orumbie if you have any further queries or questions. 


The policy exemplars below have either been created specifically for Lewisham Local Authority, or are readily available examples from other schools/local authorities that are already online.  Each school/setting must take full responsibility for any policies which it uses to produce its own, ensuring that it is amended to make it relevant and appropriate for its respective context.  Any relevant updates which may need to be applied are again the responsibility for individual schools/settings.

N.B. It is acceptable for Private Fostering and Separated Parents Policies to be incorporated into a school’s Safeguarding/CP Policy as opposed to having separate policies if they so choose.

LSCB Anti-Bullying Resource

Lewisham Safeguarding/CP template 2019/20

Sedgehill Staff Code of Conduct

Safe Touching

Touch and Physical Contact

Private Fostering

Separated Parents

Drop-off and collection of children

LSCB Resolving Professional Differences Protocol - Under revision

LSCB Resolving Professional Differences Record

“Wide Horizons – Educational Visits Policy – There and Back Again (TABA) September 2017”

Safeguarding Service Level Agreement

2017/18 sees the launch of a brand new Safeguarding Service Level Agreement, allowing school’s access to extensive high quality safeguarding support and guidance tailored to their individual school’s needs.  This is in addition to the statutory offer that will remain in place, providing weekly updates in a safeguarding newsletter sent via the schools mailing and termly Designated Safeguarding Leads meetings for all school Designated Leads and their deputies.  Click on the links below to find out what is on offer.

SLA 2017-18 Booklet - Safeguarding

Safeguarding SLA PPT

SLA Booking Form

Why sign up for the Safeguarding SLA?


The template exemplars below have either been created specifically for Lewisham Local Authority, or are readily available examples from other schools/local authorities that are already online.  Each school/setting must take full responsibility for any templates which it uses, ensuring that they are amended to make them relevant and appropriate for its respective context. 

Whole School Training Log Single Central Record

Case Study

LA Incident Reporting Template

Whole School Safeguarding Analysis

Headteacher's Report Template

Link Governor's Report Template

Letter of Assurance Template

Model Filing Personnel Records

Checklist for new staff

Transfer of CP Records Cover Sheet and Chronology Template

Visitors Leaflet

DBS Risk Assessment Template

Exemplar Ofsted Questions for staff

Exemplar Ofsted Questions for children

Exemplar Ofsted Questions for School Leaders

Exemplar Ofsted Questions for Governors

Record of Parental Contact Template

Safer Recruitment Checklist for Schools

Single Central Record SCR Audit Checklist September 2016

Single Central Record Template

Sharing Good Practice

We are very grateful to a number of Lewisham schools have kindly shared some of the proformas they are creating and using in their settings from which their colleagues can now benefit.  Schools are welcome to review the items listed and consider whether or not they would like to implement similar systems.  It is very important for any amendments that would need to be made to make these policies relevant to your individual contexts to be made before they are adopted and brought to the governing body for ratification.

Deptford Park – Serious Accident Log Proforma

All Saints CofE – Safeguarding Policy – Child-friendly version

All Saints CofE – Visiting Speakers Policy

Marvels Lane – Governors Single Central Record Monitoring Checklist

St Margaret’s Lee – Safer Recruitment Checklist for schools

Sedgehill – Staff Code of Conduct

Sydenham School – Case Study Template

Sydenham School – Whole School Safeguarding Analysis

Toolkits and Resources

This section will enable colleagues to access a range of toolkits and resources specifically for education settings.  Please review and access according to the needs of your individual settings, and note that not all tools are relevant for every provision. 

If you would like to see something featured that is not already listed, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Email Natasha.orumbie@Lewisham.gov.uk

School Mental Health Toolkit

Safeguarding Training Brochure 2018-19

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