Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Introduction to Safeguarding Children & Young People in Lewisham - Lunchtime Briefing

Target Audience:        Professionals who work with or who have regular contact with children and young people.

Trainer:                        Nikki Thorpe, Lewisham Safeguarding Children Board

Dates:                          TBA

 Delegates:     20 places

Aims & Objectives

  • Understanding the role and functions of your Safeguarding Children Partnership.
  • Introduction to key themes from child safeguarding practice reviews, locally and nationally.
  • Introduction to a child centred practice and a co-ordinated response to safeguarding children and young people,
    including professional curiosity and what children and young people need from those who work with them.
  • Introduction to the roles and functions of safeguarding and child protection leads in your organisation.
  • Introduction of the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
  • Introduction to Lewisham's Continuum of Need, a consent based model.


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