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Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board

Policy and Procedures

The introduction of the Care Act 2014 put adult safeguarding on a statutory footing for the first time, embracing the principle that the ‘person knows best’. It laid the foundation for change in the way that care and support is provided to adults, encouraging greater self-determination, so people maintain independence and have real choice.

There is an emphasis on working with adults at risk of abuse and neglect to have greater control in their lives to both prevent abuse and neglect from happening, and to give meaningful options for dealing with it should it occur.

For professionals who work in Care & Support settings the Care Act provides clearer guidance, and supports pathways to working in an integrated way, breaking down barriers between organisations.

The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), NHS London, the Metropolitan Police, and the London Clinical Commissioning Council have produced London Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy & Procedures Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board follows these procedures.

LSAB Adult Safeguarding Single Agency Policy and Procedure Template

This good practice template can be used and modified by any agency. The template outlines the sections that need to be inserted by the agency to include their individual procedures, details and arrangements.

Download Single Agency Policy and Procedures Template (for use by any agency) January 2023

Self-Neglect and Hoarding Multi-Agency Policy, Practice Guidance and Toolkit from the LSAB

Read our Policy and Practice Guidance 2024 on self-neglect and hoarding.

Annex 2

Accompanying the Practice Guidance is the Self-Neglect High Risk Panel - Risk Assessment & Action Plan Template.

Lewisham Modern Slavery Partnership and Victim Care Pathway

Lewisham Modern Slavery Victim Care Pathway

Lewisham Modern Slavery Partnership Strategy (Oct 2022)

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 7 Minute Briefing 

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 7 Minute Briefing

LSAB Guidance for Reporting Medication Incidents as Adult Safeguarding Concerns Jan 2022

LSAB Guidance for Reporting Medication Incidents as Adult Safeguarding Concerns Jan 2022

Guidance for Falls Events as Adult Safeguarding Concerns

Guidance for Falls Events as Adult Safeguarding Concerns (Jan 2023)

Inter-Agency Escalation Policy

Inter-Agency Escalation Policy (July 2023)

LSAB Guidance on Improving our Approach to Adult and Family Engagement

This guidance provides information on Adopting a Trauma Informed Approach, Understanding the Barriers to Seeking Help, Engagement Principles and Methods that can be Used for Engagement.

New! LSAB Managing Allegations against People in Positions of Trust (PiPoT) Framework July 2024

Under the provisions of the Care Act 2014 Care and Support Statutory Guidance (Statutory Guidance) Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board is required to have a Framework for how allegations involving People in Positions of Trust (PiPoT) working with adults with care and support needs should be notified and responded to.

Whilst the focus of safeguarding adults work is to safeguard ‘adults at risk’, there are also occasions when incidents are reported that do not directly involve an adult with care and support needs, but indicate, nevertheless, that a risk may be posed to adults with care and support needs by a person in a position of trust.

This framework expands upon the outline provided in the Statutory Guidance and the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) to provide individual agencies with the information they need to be able to respond effectively to any PiPoT allegations or concerns.

New! LSAB Adult Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse 7 Minute Briefing

The LSAB Adult Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse 7 minute briefing includes information on 

  • The Law
  • Lewisham Overview
  • Questions for you to consider 
  • What you can do prevent a reoccurence


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