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Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board

Safeguarding Adults

Every adult has the right to be treated with dignity, respect and live a life free of fear.

We call this process safeguarding adults.

Every adult has a right to make their own decisions and take risks, however, some adults are at greater risk of being abused because they rely on another person to manage day to day living.

We use the term "adult at risk" to describe people that need this support. Not all adults who need care and support are considered at risk, we assess each person according to their own abilities. Many adults with care and support needs manage their lives very well.

If you suspect that you or an adult you care about may be at risk of abuse or neglect please complete the Adult Safeguarding Concern form and return to the Lewisham Adult Gateway as instructed in the form. Alternatively if you have concerns about the immediate safety of an adult at risk then please contact the Police on 999.

Social Care and Health have produced a video on Safeguarding Adults in British Sign Language.




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