Worried about the safety of a child?
If you think a child is being abused or neglected please contact the Lewisham Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If you think a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency and call 999 to report your concerns to the Police. You can contact the MASH during office hours on 020 8314 6660. The out of office hours (5pm -9am weekdays, weekends and Bank Holidays) is: 020 8314 6000 and ask for the emergency duty team.
When you contact the MASH please give as much information as possible about the child you are concerned about. This will help MASH decide the best way to respond to your concern. The information you give will be kept confidential. You can remain anonymous but it is helpful if you can give your name and details.
MASH is the service to contact if you want extra help for a child or their family who live in Lewisham. The team is multi-agency and brings together services such as from social care, education, health, police and children centres. The MASH aims to work together to offer the right help at an early stage to families who need support. They will decide the most appropriate type of support to offer. Depending on your relationship with the child they may be able to keep you updated.
Child Exploitation & On-line Protection
CEOP is there to support young people, parents and carers while surfing online, and offers help and advice on topics such as:
- cyberbullying
- hacking
- harmful content
It also enables people to immediately report anything online which they find concerning, such as harmful or inappropriate content, or possible grooming behaviour.
For more information or to report a concern click on the CEOP icon