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Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership

If you are worried about the welfare or safety of a child or young person

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LSCP Family Help Continuum of Need (2024-25)

This document has been updated from October 2024 in line with the DfE Families First Pathfinder which sets out our approach to keeping children safe and protected, and underpins our local vision to provide the right support at the right time for children and families in Lewisham, at the earliest opportunity. This document is aligned to the London Safeguarding Children: Threshold Document: Continuum of Help and Support; however our language and terminology in Lewisham has been reframed as we develop our Family Help offer. 

In Lewisham we know that the majority of children, young people and their families can be supported through a range of universal services. These services include education, early years, health, housing, and services provided by voluntary organisations. These services include education, early
years, health, housing, and services provided by voluntary organisations. However, some children have more complex needs and may require access to Family Help to support them. We want to ensure that we provide the right help and support for families which is led by the presenting need and not a prescribed framework. We understand the need to be flexible and have adaptable responses to how we with work with families.

This document provides an overview to support all professionals and agencies who work with children and young people, from or in the Borough of Lewisham, to identify when help or protection is needed through families lives. Its purpose is to develop shared guidance and understanding that sets out the local partnership arrangements for the planning and provision of services.

The document should be read alongside statutory guidance outlined in the London Safeguarding Children Partnership  Threshold - Continuum of Need Matrix to consider specific indicators. 

NB. Agencies in the London Borough of Lewisham should also comply with additional LSCP local protocols and practice guidance that are published on the LSCP website.

LSCP Family Help Continuum of Need 2024-2025

LSCP Family Help Continuum- Key Summary 2024


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